1:00 p.m.
Savvy Benchmark Session
- Todd Stute
- Director of Global Process Improvement
- Western Digital Corporation
Design and Facilitated by Todd Stute. Savvy Conference participants will benchmark each other’s product development practices. Starting with the discussion of the problem are, Todd Stute will direct the focus on how they experiment with tools, processes, and adapt improvements to surmount common problems. You will hear/see the metrics, solutions and tools used at various levels of operations: team processes, functional engineering, support functions and tools. A3, PDCA, Lamda, Six Sigma, scrum boards, change management practices, et. al.
Topics Include:
1. Insufficient Knowledge of Customer Expectations 2. Excessive Workloads 3. Learning Cycles Yielding Little Value 4. Risks: Technical and Schedule 5. Invisible Challenges: Make Them Visual 6. Vertical Communication/ Executive Collaboration