Wednesday, April 24
9:00 a.m.
People Make NPD&E Operations Successful
- Mark Fleigle
- Vice President Technology and Product Development
- Rosemount Magnetic & Vortex Flowmeters
- Emerson Automation Solutions
Principles, practices, tools and processes are the vital factors that produce new products to satisfy customers and grow the business.
Mark Fleigle gives a high-level view of the most important factor: People.
The high-level view of people: Mark describes people and individuals who contribute. They contribute at a variety of levels ranging from technology creation to innovative problem solving to commercial launch. People whose ‘body of work’ exhibits passion; true engagement, and enthusiastic collaboration. Q&A discussion following Mark Fleigle’s presentation engages the audience in best practices that generate passion, enthusiasm and engagement in NPD&E work.
10:45 a.m.
Upcoming Technologies in Agriculture: Challenges and Solutions, Followed by Tour of CNH Engineering Operations
- Gary Kassen
- Director of Engineering
- CNH Industrial
What technologies are upcoming in the ag and industrial equipment and how is design engineering addressing customers’ expectations and interests? Gary Kassen will address the practical issues confronting design engineering.
Tour of Case New Holland Engineering Operations includes:
Test Stands Creates Knowledge Cycles, AR 3D Reduces Design Cycles, Case New Holland’s Legacy Products Display
1:30 p.m.
USABILITY: Value Creation Starts with USERS and Their Use Experiences
- Steve Zielinski
- Senior Systems Engineering Manager
- Boston Scientific
What do engineers know about the actual use of the products they design? What do they know about the customer users’ interactions and experiences with products? Are use instructions clear, intuitive and coherent? What about use environment: is it current? What about user error? What is the use space: where new products really used, how used? Safety, reliability, ergonomics, efficient use, risks, and more.
Does the design engineer assume he or she is the User?
Steve Zielinski answers these questions and presents a robust understanding of customers’ USABILITY interests; he includes all aspects that the design engineer must know and address. Avoid the risk that your engineers do not know all usability elements. Steve Zielinski provides you a with visuals your engineers can use with your customers.
3:00 p.m.
Set Based Design – Effective Approach to Innovative New Product Development
- Joe Mrva
- Sr. Engineering Manager
- US Endoscopy (a subsidiary of STERIS Corporation)
- Cleveland, OH
During new product development, decisions that are made throughout concept development and design have significant impact on a product’s success in the market. Customer needs, design engineering problems and corresponding design requirements are not fully known at the beginning of a project. This presentation will describe a method of exploring multiple, simultaneous requirements and design options for as long as possible to allow for the most desirable design choices to be made over time. Using set based method for design problem solving is the “wheel house’ of talented design engineers and innovators.
4:00 p.m.
Engineer’s Innovation Work: Growth, Flat or Decline
- Steve Heinecke
- Corporate Scientist (ret)
Steve Heinecke is Savvy Conference’s first Inspirational Speaker. Before retiring in 2018, Steve Heinecke contributed over many years creating 3M’s technology development of 3M’s Tagaderm© business. Steve now presents his experiences in motivating people and energizing their work. Steve’s interactive presentation will engage the Savvy Conference participants in their challenges to improve engineers’ motivations and energizing their work. Steve’s observations and experiences improving ‘flat line performance’ and processes are relevant in today’s product development innovation organizations. Steve’s motivating principles, essential practices and honest work standards apply in people performance, problem solving, value creation and team collaboration operations that strive for excellence.